Three funders have awarded the GVC significant grants that will enable us to sustain the Clear Creek project in 2015. This project promotes rain barrels, rain gardens, Bayscaping, tree planting and stream cleanups the Middle River, Tidal Gunpowder and Bird River watersheds.
Baltimore County increased the GVC’s Watershed Association Restoration, Planning and Implementation Grant to $60,000 in 2015!! This grant pays for staff salaries, which is essential for accomplishing all of our environmental endeavors, including the Clear Creeks project.
The GVC received a grant of $81,626 from the Maryland Department of Natural Resource’s (MD DNR) through its Natural Filters grants program. This grant funds GVC’s tree planting and tree maintenance program, as well as the rain barrels, rain gardens, and Bayscapes that we implement as part of the Clear Creeks project in 2015.
The Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT) gave the GVC a $50,000 Outreach Grant to support the social marketing aspect of the Clear Creeks project. This is the third Outreach grant that CBT has given us to support the Clear Creeks project, and using social marketing has been critical to our success.